
Origami našich páťáků v Hirošimě

Origami, které vytvořili naši páťáci v rámci projektu Na křídlech jeřábů, dorazily úspěšně do Hirošimy. Na fotkách je umístění jeřábů na sochu Sadako Sasaki. Připojujeme i znění dopisu, který obdržel pan starosta Bazala: "Dear Josef Bazala, mayor of city Stare mesto, Thank you very much for sending the paper cranes with the desire for peace.  We received them and offered them to the Children’s Peace Monument. To avoid a repetition of the tragedy that befell many victims who died of the Atomic bombing, we are working to build a peaceful world without nuclear weapons.  This will be accomplished not only by our effort, but also by support and cooperation from all over the world.  In line with this, we appreciate your action and desire for peace. I ask that you continue to keep in your heart Hiroshima’s experience and your hopes for peace, I close with best wishes for your good health and every success in your activities. Sincerely yours, Katsumi Suesada (Mr.) Director Peace Promotion Division International Peace Promotion Department In charge of sharing of the experience of Atomic Bomb [Contact Office] Peace Promotion Division 1-5 Nakajimacho, Nakaku, Hiroshima 730-0811 Japan" Zveřejnění na stránkách školy 6. srpna je více než  symbolické...